lunes, 16 de julio de 2012


Tengo la satisfacción de traer a esta bitácora información sobre un libro, recién publicado, que trata sobre la tan traída, llevada y mitificada cuestión de la relación de los gobiernos con los OVNI. La obra se titula: UFOs And Government  A Historical Inquiry y uno de los autores que ha contribuido en la misma es nuestro colega y amigo Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos.

A juzgar por las primeras noticias, es el fruto de un trabajo serio y académico sobre la historia de la interacción de los gobiernos con el llamado fenómeno OVNI. El libro ha supuesto más de cuatro años de investigación y tiene casi 600 páginas y cerca de 1000 referencias. A mí juicio, su lectura es muy recomendable.

Comunicado de prensa del editor:
Governments around the world have had to deal with the UFO phenomenon for a good part of a century. How and why they did so is the subject of UFOs and Government, a history that for the first time tells the story from the perspective of the governments themselves. It’s a perspective that reveals a great deal about what we citizens have seen, and puzzled over, from the “outside” for so many years.

The story, which is unmasked by the governments’ own documents, explains much that is new, or at least not commonly known, about the seriousness with which the military and intelligence communities approached the UFO problem internally. Those approaches were not taken lightly. In fact, they were considered matters of national security. At the same time, the story reveals how a subject with such apparent depth of experience and interest became treated as if it were a triviality. And it explains why one government, the United States government, deemed it wise, and perhaps even necessary, to treat it so.

Though the book focuses primarily on the U.S. government’s response to the UFO phenomenon, also included is the treatment of the subject by the governments of Sweden, Australia, France, Spain, and other countries.

 Los interesados pueden adquirirlo en estos sitios: Anomalist Books, Amazon y Barnes and Noble.

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Yo no sé inglés, pero parece bueno, sí...